It is finally the end of the semester. It is a reading day, and Brandon is working today. I still have school, but my last day is Friday. I am excited to finish and then graduate. It is going to be great to be an official college graduate. My mom and I have been counting down and we are down to 8 days.
However, the end means that I have to leave the students. They are so stinkin' cute. I can't believe how attached they are to me. Today I had to be the mean teacher and take away recess minutes to make them practice being quiet and walking in the hallway. However, still after that they are so excited when I teach them something or tell them something about my life. They are the sweetest kids in the world. They went to the Cougar Store today and just the smallest things made them happy. It still just blows my mind to see how kind they are. They asked me yesterday if I could come visit every Friday. When I told them that I couldn't come every Friday they then changed their minds to Tuesday. I really love each one of these students, and they are all so different. It is going to be sad to leave on Friday.
Brandon is doing great. he just left for a review. He is so happy to be at the end. He had been working on many different projects at once, and they are done. All that he has left is a couple finals and a research paper.
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