Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well, I am loving the summertime! It is so nice to have some time off. Brandon is still working, but as of tomorrow he is leaving for the month of July to do some Army training. It is going to be lonely without him but I am probably going to go to Colorado for a few days and then to see my family at the end of the month. It will be great!

In more exciting new I am 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant! Brandon is floating on a cloud! You would have thought that we won the lottery by his reactions. Well, that is okay. I love him so much and I can't wait for the journey that coming soon! I am due on January 16th!

Monday, June 7, 2010

School is almost out

Well, I have almost finished my first year of teaching. It is crazy to think that at this time last year I was busy buying everything, nervous for the year to start. Now, there are only 6 more days of school and they are going to be a busy six days.

There are many things that I have learned about myself this year. A few of them are:
- I like organization with a little chaos
- Second graders are the best!
- I am good at what I do
- When it comes to the hard days, I can focus on the good to get me through the day
- Sometimes I can be a bit hard on them, but I know that it is going to make them better

That is just a few. The parents that have entrusted their child into my hands for about 7 hours a day are just wonderful. I had each of the students write a big thank you note to all the parents. I was able to recall things that I had forgotten the parents had done to help out. I am so grateful to have wonderful parents that support me and tell me that I have done a great job with their child.

I will miss those wonderful kiddos! However, on days like today, I will not miss all of them. ;) These kids extend love so much, that it will be hard to say goodbye on Tuesday. Many are returning to the school, some are going back to their old ones and I will miss them the most. Well, I guess that is part of being a teacher!