Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh sleep....

... where have you gone!  It is hard to get to sleep, stay comfortable, and get back to sleep when I wake up to change positions.  I know that I am just complaining, but still I would like to have one week of really good sleep.


  1. oh kerri I hate to tell you this but it's just going to get worse and worse and then the baby will come and you'll get even less sleep! but trust me it's worth it-and you really do learn how to function on no sleep at all-it'll all be so worth it when you see his little face though!

  2. Yeah... like the comment above it only goes downhill from here, so enjoy it while you can! Definitely take naps if you have time. That is what saved me. If you don't have one already, get a body pillow or a snoogle or something of that sort. It really really helps!

  3. So I have to tell you that getting up in the middle of the night whether to change positions, get a drink or visit the most popular room in the house will just get your body ready for when the baby comes. I also have to tell you that getting up in the middle of the night for a baby really is not as bad as most people make it out to be. I loved getting up to help her and didn't mind the lack of sleep one bit. Love you and hope the pregnancy continues to go well.
