On Friday I went to Target with my dad to meet my mom after she got off work (she works there). While waiting I found some awesome teacher stuff and my dad was sweet enough to buy them for me. So, 26 whiteboards, some bookmarks, caddy's to go on the tables, and puzzles and flashcards later I found my mom. We bought Brina her presents then headed home. I then adventured out on my own to she my friend Shannon. I have know her since I was in the first grade, and now she has two kids. I was so happy that I was able to see her and her new 5 month old baby.
That night we all went out to dinner: my parents, my brother and his wife, and me. We went to Mongolian Grill and it was delicious. I was so full after my first plate that I was unable to go back for more, and had to wait like 20 minutes before I felt like having dessert. Yummy!
The next day started early. We needed to go help them set up for the wedding. Beth picked me up at 7:10, met up with her older sister Amanda and her husband Ryan, then headed over to Portland. First, McDonald's, second to the park to set up. I was so happy to see Brina and meet the man she was going to marry. After about 2 hours or so of setting up we headed to the room to get ready. I did all the girls in her families hair: Amanda, Beth, Mom, Holly the littlest sister, and Brina's. Brina was so beautiful. I am grateful that I was able to be there for that special day. Here are a few photos from the wedding festivities.
Where it all took place.
Setting up for the ceremony.
Mike seeing Brina for the first time! She looks stunning.
The happy couple!
Walking down the aisle with her dad
Close up of her and her dad.
This little girl wanted Brina to get married again and have her be the flower girl. Brina told her that she wouldn't marry just anyone, but to find the man that she had married earlier! It was so cute!
Their first dance.
The girls minus Bri.
Her brothers Teddy and Gilbert. Gilbert is the cute one and Teddy is the one with black hair and a red beard.
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