Friday, October 31, 2014

Glucose Test

Well, last week I did my glucose test. I made it the hour, just barely. About the last five minutes I had to talk to myself saying I wasn't going to throw up. I didn't hear from my doctors office so I figured everything was ok.

On Monday, after going to The Red Barn with the Taylor's I got a call telling me my numbers were slightly high. Meaning, I now had to do the three hour test! BLAH!!!!

At first I wasn't too worried, but the more I thought about it, the more nervous I got that I would fail this one. Also, I was so nervous that I would throw up and not make it the whole three hours. After I finished my last one, I felt ill most of the day. I can't imagine how I would feel after having the high concentration stuff.

Part of me doesn't understand how I can be at risk for gestational diabetes. When I was pregnant with Austin, he was always measuring big. I didn't gain a ton of weight, but more than I wanted to. Yet, I passed that test. Now, with this one, he is measuring right on track, average size. I can still wear one of my pairs of normal jeans, like pre-pregnancy. My bump is measuring right on track. Yet, I still have to take this test. This test that can lead to an outcome that doesn't make sense to me. That if I fail, can lead to a large baby and excessive weight gain.

As I am writing this, I am working on hour two of my test. Brandon's sister Chloe was so nice to take Austin for the morning. I have felt light-headed for about an hour, I no longer feel like throwing up, but that is coming and going.

I am hoping for a negative outcome but I don't want to get my hopes up. Does that make sense?

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